Privacy Policy - Dogs home

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all information the frkes website may receive about users during their use of the website. This document unsubscribes from the Privacy Policy regarding the information we collect through and its affiliated sites.

How to collect information
We may collect information when users decide to provide their personal data as part of an agreement and consent to its processing. This may include information about your name, date of birth or other similar information.

Personal data provided by users about themselves during their use of the website. The required information in the relevant collection forms on the website is marked with special notes.

Other information is at the user's discretion. If the user decides to refuse the management department to provide (collect) the specified personal data, the user must close the relevant collection form, and the user knows that if he does not provide the required data, he will not be able to use the relevant services of this site

It is important that the information you post may be viewed by other users, so you should avoid posting confidential or personal data that you should not see.

Information Collected Automatically
When you visit this website, some data is automatically collected. This may be technical data. They are automatically collected by site software or third-party software and transmitted to management during site use using software installed on the user's device, including the IP address of the user's computer (or proxy server, if used for Internet access), Internet provider's name, domain name, type of browser or other program and operating system used to access the site, information about the site from which the user transitions to the site, the site the page user visits, the site the user transitions from links on, date and time of access, files downloaded by the user, information from cookies, location information

Cookies are files that websites and other online services use to store user information on their computers. This website may use cookies (such as HTTP and HTML5 cookies and Flash cookies) and other types of local storage. If you choose to disable cookies, this may affect the functionality of websites that use cookies to improve their functionality.

Companies that offer third-party applications, tools, widgets, and plugins that may appear on the Site (such as Facebook's "Like" button) may also use automated tools to collect information about your interactions with these features. This collection of information is governed by the privacy policies or notices of those providers.

Our third-party partners or we may combine information that each of us automatically collects with other information about you, including information you choose to provide.

Our website uses third-party web analytics services, such as Google Analytics, to provide statistical data and other information about website visitors.

This information is analyzed programmatically and statistically in non-personal form (without the need for user identification) to analyze site traffic and personal resources. It is used by the State Administration to enforce this agreement when making recommendations for improving, developing and optimizing the website and implementing new features, as well as diagnosing problems on the server, detecting fraud, website administration and other purposes.

These data do not contain or disclose the user's personal data, and the management does not compare these data with the user's personal data.