Any dog, young or old, the pedigree or mutt, is likely to develop several lumps and bumps...
CBD products have quickly become the wellness trend of the decade. However, its popularity now extends beyond...
Dog owners consider their pets not just animals, but family members. Often, people feed dogs what they...
Dry and wet foods have their pros and cons — let’s try to understand them. Image by...
Very young pups will not need any water and get all of their nutritional and liquid needs...
As a rule, older dogs lead a less active lifestyle, and their metabolism slows down, so you...
If you have a loyal furry companion living in your home, chances are that you have probably...
Mint has long been a popular herb used in teas, beverages, and various dishes. It has been...
Shaking the head is one of the signs of violations of the pet’s body. The factors that...
Adopting a dog from a shelter is among the best ways to express yourself as an animal...